类型:战争 恐怖 枪战 地区:西班牙 年份:2013
主演:Issam 迈克尔·热内 约翰·保罗·特伦布莱 马西莫·德桑蒂斯
导演:朱尔斯 巴斯 (Jules Bass)
更新:2024-12-19 14:18:15
简介:□it□ no □mmediate f□mily to live for, Josep□ is haunted b□ □ □ast □e ha□ t□i□□, for decades, to forget - if □ot actively obsc□re w□th drink an□ d□u□s. Sufferi□□ t□e h□ngover f□om h□ll □ th□ d□y spell over - he w□lks □way f□om his presen□ l□f□ and board□ a boat □□und for□I□eland to confron□ h□zy, fear-ind□cing memories□from a □hildhood sp□□□□in the car□ syste□ tha□ he□#3□;s had to □□□get□□Em□tionally and physic□lly wrec□ed□ Jose□□ reunit□□ □□th an □ncredu□ous Ann□ □Helen□□e□an, This is Eng□a□d &□39;□8 and□□9;90□, t□□ sister he hasn't seen sin□e childhood. Anna persua□e□ her wary □usband Michael (F□□nk□Laverty; □□chael Collins) to l□t Jo□eph□stay and give h□m work in the□family-owne□ □uilding comp□ny. There, Jos□ph is forced to di□ectly confr□nt the de□□ns of his p□st w□e□ he comes fa□e□to face with Crai□y□(□ar□ O□#39;Ha□□or□n), a sha□owy□□ig□re □ho□i□ d□gged by □ark rumor□, and who won't le□ve Joseph alone. □oseph&□39;s□pr□carious family□re□nion □s further c□mp□i□a□□□ when he □s□i□med□□□el□□drawn to ..□李(🍉)天命再次一巴掌□(□)□柳千阳的脸上□目光淡漠的看着(🌼)李炎枫。赶紧点□□.