After a girls' night out, endearingly awkward Deb wakes up in the apartment of the most attractive guy in Portland, Maine. She's thrilled, but she can't remember much of what got her there. Pretty boy Ryan only knows it was a mistake and ushers her out the door... into a full-scale zombie apocalypse. Now, a walk of shame becomes a fight for survival as the mismatched pair discovers that the only thing scarier than trusting someone with your life... is trusting them with your heart. 宝贝论坛龙川十八子极限为了能让妻子去韩国打工,出租车司机久南(河正宇 Jeong-woo Ha 饰)不惜借6万块钱的巨款。妻子已经有六个月没有消息了,久南每日只能用酒精和赌博来麻醉自己的神经。一天,在债主的介绍下,久南认识了绵先生。绵先生不仅愿意帮助他偷渡到韩国寻找妻子,而且愿意为他还掉所有 的债务,条件是让他在首尔杀一个人。几经波折,久南最终渡过茫茫黄海到达首尔,然而要杀死被严密保护的对象并不那么容易,久南一边开始周密的计划,一边开始到处打听妻子的下落。妻子就像从人间消失了一样音讯全无,而并没有杀人的久南却因出现在凶案现场而成为警方通缉的疑犯。此时,由于怕买凶杀人的事情暴露,从延边赶来的绵先生也极力致久南于死地,久南几乎陷入绝望的境地…… 河政宇凭借此片获得第47届百想艺术大赏颁奖礼最佳男演员奖。