鍏ㄨ亴鐨勫仛鍏艰亴閮借兘澶?涓婃捣澶滃満钖按渚濇嵁浣犵殑鐩歌矊涓瓙-璧峰喅涓嶆墭娆?涓婃捣KTV鎷涜仒闈㈣瘯鍓嶄竴瀹氳鐢诲濂?涓嶆€庝箞浼氱敾濡嗙殑鍙潵鍏徃鍖栧,鏈夋妧鏈笓涓氬寲濡嗛€犲瀷甯堢粰浣犳墦閫犲嚭,金鸡1On September 11th 1973, Salvador Allende's democratically elected government was ousted by a United States-backed coup that resulted in Allende's death, and left the country in the hands of Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship for 17 years. It's time to remember Salvador Allende, that unsual man - for historical reasons, certainly, but also for the cruelty surrounding his memory.