They do not show war in this film, they show people and their dreams and hopes ruined by the war. It is not just another "war film", but it rises to the level of a true Tragedy. Not a propagandist or a sob story. Many critics compare this film to another famous Russian war drama, The Cranes Are Flying. I still think that The House I Live in is better, though, if you've seen The Cranes and liked it, most probably you'll love this one either. Both films were shot in 1957 and treat the war theme from the similar humane perspective. I wouldn't cut a single shot from the film, all of them are just in place. I do not know if it can be found outside Russia, if yes, don't miss it. Many critics pointed out resemblances between Dom, V Kotorom Ya Zhivu (The House I Live In) and the better-known Soviet film The Cranes are Flying. Set in the years prior to and during WWII, the story centers on the various residents of a co-op house. Though the directors never show the war itself, its tragic impact is felt throughout the film. And despite the potential for Soviet propaganda, what sticks in the mind is the universality of the experiences endured by the leading characters. Dom, V Kotorom Ya Zhivu was one of Russian's entries in the 1958 Brussels Film Festival.
艾纳(罗伯特·雷德福 Robert Redford 饰)拥有一段伤感的过去,车祸夺走了儿子格里芬(Trevor Moss 饰)的性命,而这车祸的始作俑者不是别人,正是自己的儿媳简(詹妮弗·洛佩兹 Jennifer Lopez 饰)。愤怒的艾纳无法原谅简的过失,无奈之下,简只得带着腹中的胎儿远走高飞。 如今的艾纳生活在怀俄明牧场里,除了放牧,他还担负起了照顾被熊所伤的老朋友米特(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)饮食起居的责任。曾经的悲伤未曾消逝,但一对老友相互扶持,生活倒也宁静祥和。琼的再度到来打破了这难得的宁静,同时到来的,还有11岁的艾纳的孙女格瑞芙(Becca Gardner 饰)。出于同情,艾纳收留了母女两,但往日的冤仇并未完全化解。同时,导致米特受伤的灰熊被捉拿归案等待处置。面对曾经的仇恨,两个老人会做出怎样的选择?