
This was □he first□□f □he v□deos □hat started a □rend□of□sex education vide□□ in t□e early □990s . □ gu□ss the idea behind i□ was for □iberated □omen to go i□to a □ig□ □treet □tore a□□□b□y it w□thout any □yp□ of□guilt or □nhibition , bu□ no doubt t□e □ai□ buyer m□r□et w□s□teenage boys and dir□y old□men  THE□LOVERS GU□DE i□ groundb□eaking in the fact t□a□□i□ publi□ised tha□ □he couples inv□lved were re□l life p□□tners but□th□s□is slight□y disho□est □□y□□□the m□in coup□e fea□ur□d Wendy and her □u□band □ere indeed a real life couple who□#39;d been married sever□l yea□s but there wa□ some public □ontr□vers□ that □□ least one o□□the c□upl□s Kat□ryn ( Th□ gorge□u□ b□unett□□) and □arin□ ( The w□ll□buffed□g□ezer with □ po□□tail )□h□d never □et one anot□er until they □ppea□ed on set □he□e □h□y had unprotec□□d□sex for □□e ca□er□ . For a v□deo th□t □elf□righteousl□ de□□ca□e□ se□□ents to safe sex it is □ather□hyp□crit□cal  (🍁)Seeing as it□#3□;□ for educatio□ purp□ses a□d n□t pornography a□ su□h□there&#□9□s □imits as □o what c□n□be show□ b□t as a □e□ education video i□□;s□not □nin□ormative□□hough □ dou□t □□ you'l□ be gaspin□ " I□□□ver kne□ t□□t &qu□t; □As □ footnote the main □□□p□e featured became□s□met□ing of □exual prob□□m agony aunts in the □riti□□ pre□s - Until□it was revealed th□t Wendy&□39;s husband h□d□a seriou□ heart conditio□ w□□ch put a s□op□□o se□ .□I □lmost fe□t □□rry□fo□□this couple w□□ confessed tha□ they used□to □ake love□as o□ten □s ten times a da□ bu□ now co□ldn't □□ke love onc□ a day because□it w□s too □□ngero□s □ □□□small am□□□t of sympathy soon vanish□d □h□n□shortly □fterwa□ds the □ouple split up□and raced o□f to th□ g□□ter press i□ o□der to di□h t□e dirt on on□ anot□e□ t□□the□highest bi□der .□ □(🖕)居易二十岁时□母亲(📈)提出娶湘灵,被母亲因□第之见□绝。后来□居易二十(🐵)...林天终(♟)□安奈不住内□,将想说□话全都说了出□。□□ 白居易二十岁□□母亲提出娶湘灵,被□亲因门第□见拒绝。后□白□(□)易二十...2. 《夏日陷情》:□本...

□□□早在 12 岁那年就爱上□公主李□,□□学读书连拿三年冠向李蓉孔雀开屏,每(🕘)□(🚽)有□蓉在□场合都□精□□扮。但他因苏家不...

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