A man is on a hiking trail in a California desert, when he notices his car is missing. As he searches around, he follows a wandering boy and eventually ends up in a remote cabin occupied by a young woman. A strange dynamic between the two occurs, along with several violent encounters with menacing boys holding the woman captive. As the man realizes the calculated trap he is fallen into, it is too late to avoid the horrific outcome he will be subjected to. The Seeding is a daring, nightmarish feature debut by writer/director Barnaby Clay, whose noted music video works include songs by Gnarls Barkley, “YYYs”, and more. This slow-burning shocker tackling toxic masculinity and our fear of isolation effectively presents the steps of deterioration in a man’s psyche upon being faced with desperation and a battle for survival. As a newcomer, Barnaby Clay is a director to be reckoned with. (Jongsuk Thomas NAM) 源自:https://www.bifan.kr/eng/program/program_view.asp?pk_seq=6523&sc_category_seq=6018&sc_num=1&actEvent=view
故事发生在一间退稿图书馆中,顾名思义,这座图书馆专门接收遭到了编辑拒绝的书稿,让这些浸淫了作者苦心和汗水的书稿有能够被人阅读的机会。费德里科(巴斯蒂安·布永 Bastien Bouillon 饰)是一名郁郁不得志的作家,某日,他和女友黛富妮(爱丽丝·伊萨 Alice Isaaz 饰)一起来到了退稿图书馆,在一堆废纸中,两人发现了一本名为《一段爱情故事的弥留时刻》的小说,作者署名为亨利皮克,而他已经去世了。 黛富妮是一名编辑,职业的敏感让她察觉到这是一本不可多得的好书,于是决定将它出版。为了获得版权,费德里科和黛富妮拜访了皮克的遗孀,就此,一个悲哀又充满了温情的故事拉开了序幕。