The origins of the Justice League are explained as Detective John Jones and Batman try to discover what the 'Centre' is, Superman and Wonder Woman are soldiers for the United States Army, Flash is trying to live in a world were special agent King Faraday is hunting him and Hal Jordan has been selected to go with Task Force X to Mars. 《少女》奥田故事讲述了人类男孩毛克利在一片印度丛林中被狼群抚养长大。在棕熊巴鲁(Baloo)和黑豹巴希拉(Bagheera)的监护下,毛克利学习残酷的森林守则,最终被动物们接受并成为其中一员。尽管如此,他仍需要面对可怕的老虎谢利·可汗(Shere Khan),毛克利的人类身世更是潜伏在森林中的巨大威胁。