
2019, City □f Madrid□(Madrid, □ent□r□to Spain and □□untry's capital)□ Marina is a wom□n un□ble to □elieve in love after□□er□father □as unfaith□□l □o her m□th□r Lourdes when□□he wa□□a chi□d, b□t who□w□rks □s s□ccessf□l□weddi□g pla□ner in□her □wn co□□a□□ w□th □er c□ose□friend □□ene and the own Lour□es as em□loy□e. In their la□t job□□□rin□ mee□□ by cha□c□ □□rlos, one of□□h□□i□v□ted. Ha□ing□□□drink together, betw□en the two □igh□□ □he flame a□d they make sex in the idea that t□ey □□t will meet again. When a□□the n□x□ day□□arlos&□39□ gir□f□ien□ Alexia f□nds Marina&#□9;s calling card i□ his□t-shirt, C□rlos □s unable to sa□ h□r the □□u□h□□lying Alexia to make□her believe that he w□nts □o ma□ry□ □u□ wh□n□Ca□□□s a□d □l□xia □eet Marina□ he learns that Alexia□and Ma□ina are for□er s□hool□class□ates and that□□arina suffered bullying□f□om Alexia. After□in t□□ □edding where □arina met□Ca□□□s□a d□u□ken □ourd□s caused□□□□ac□ident whe□e th□□bri□e fell□and□crashed against a bank□of the c□urch□turning i□□in an□Inte□net video□viral an□ it menaces to□ruin Marin□'s company, Irene forces her to □ccep□ the new assignmen□□ moving they thre□ to Te□erife (Canary Islands□ □est to Af□ica) to meet□h□tel entr□preneur Arturo, □□ex□a□;s f□ther.□Howe□er, tr□u□les □□pear by e□erywh□re: Ar□ur□ despi□e□ Carlos not □onsidering □□od enough□for Alexia,□while Carlo□, wh□ has an □rchite□□ure stu□io w□□h □is □es□ fri□nd Ben, □□□es to c□nvinc□ his future □athe□-in-law to wo□k a□ hotel d□sig□er for□h□m; a□ the□s□me t□me, Marina reven□es Al□xia with a disa□□rous voyage by □ea □nd later with a bot□le co□k, damaging h□r teeth□ With Marina returnin□ temporally Madrid to □epair it,□Marina and □ar□os feel a□tra□te□ each othe□, knowi□g that it□pu□ in dan□□r t□□i□ □ob□. Wh□□e C□rlos□doub□s abo□t□between Ma□ina and Alexia□□this la□t one ret□rns Tenerife w□th Ben, lookin□□□□□ sure the□□o□tract and tha□ □arlos doesn'□t re□eal Alexia □□e truth□ Accordin□ □ies and dec□iv□□ accumulate a□□ the we□ding co□es, □arlos feels □ach time more t□apped by the ci□c□msta□ce□, ma□i□g sure that□the wedding □ay be un□o□g□□table□情景□,有的情□□些老套,不过还是□KUSO的~皮革少女□丽□□□上挂着汗□,□色显(🎞)得有些疲倦。少年L□□□□□达□□时,□□当地面包店老□Henry,之前他通过互联网爱上了他。然而,他们关于生□在一起□观(🏗)念□大不(✏□□同......- 楚□瑶和陈雨(🏁)舒曾挤在一起看□画片《喜洋洋和灰太狼□。就这样两人□同回(□)了边镇(□)□

  • 凤初:192.454.634.418
    中年男子孔令学(范伟 饰)是东北某市双全文武学校的语文老师,他上课认真负责,无奈所面对的是一群不知天高地厚,对祖国美好文字全无兴趣的新新人类。在一次课上,他没收了女孩刘萌(白卉子 饰)的手机,之后又阻止了追求刘萌的社会青年阿祥(支一 饰)的打架行为,由此惹来了一身麻烦。阿祥每天在孔令学下班后跟踪他,声称要“帮助辛苦的孔老师接送孩子下学”,这令一向忠厚本分的孔令学颇为恐慌。为了甩掉这个死缠烂打的小青年,他每天想尽各种办法,可是女儿的学校和家庭住址终于还是被阿祥搞清楚了。在这一过程中,孔令学的生活渐渐变成了一团乱麻……  本片根据胡学文的原著小说《大风起兮》改编。
  • 意千重:147.341.64.508
    本片以分段式描述三个令人毛骨悚然的恐怖故事。  故事一:Old Chief Wood'nhead  一个印第安人还魂后为被谋杀的小士多店主复仇;  故事二:The Raft  池塘的食肉浮渣袭击小艇上的四个年轻人;  故事三:Dawn Of The Dead  富婆在和男妓风流后的返家途中意外撞死一名搭便车的男子…… 穿成年代文男主亲妈囧囧有皮天保十三年(1842年),美丽的少女小浪(原节子 饰)以经营居酒屋为生,她的贤良恭顺感染许多人,连黑道人物金子市之丞(中村翫右衛門 饰)也对她关爱有加。唯一让小浪忧心的是,与之相依为命的弟弟广次郎整日游手好闲,一心混迹黑道。广次郎与恶德僧人河内山宗俊(河原崎長十郎 饰)混在一起,偶然间卷入围绕一把家传匕首的纷争,各种背景之人纷纷闻风而动……  本片根据歌舞伎改编。影片主角河内山宗俊为历史上真实人物,原名河内山宗春,是活跃于江户时代末期的一个恶德僧人,平素作恶多端,后在水户藩就擒,死于狱中。
  • 黑魔术师:133.646.703.258
  • 十一夜誓言:123.560.218.991




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