黑子哲也 及 火神大我 加入了诚凛高中篮球队。相对于有着绝佳球感的火神,黑子却是一名在场上“几乎没有存在感”的球员。但其实,黑子曾是篮球强校帝光国中篮球队的一员,曾与被称为“奇迹时代”的5位天才并肩战斗,以“梦幻的第6人”的称号活跃在篮球场上。“影”与“光”的二人搭档成为校队主力,带领诚凛高中成功打进了冬季选拔赛,并在选拔赛中击败其他拥有“奇迹时代”成员的各路强队,获得了全国冠军。 就在二人升上高二后的那个暑假末尾,由一批18岁左右的美国篮球天才组成的街球队伍“Jabberwock”来访日本,并与日本男篮国家队进行友谊赛。他们以压倒性的实力让日本队惨败,还嘲笑了他们一番。 此举激怒了诚凛高中篮球队教练丽子的父亲景虎。这位曾经的日本篮球国手决定集结黑子与火神,以及“奇迹时代”的其他成员,临时组建梦幻球队“VORPAL SWORDS”,誓言向“Jabberwock”复仇! 一场最激烈的决战,就此打响! 异界之混沌修真诀最新章节赖元浩Appoy is a school kid with a creative mind who couldn't cope up with the formal system. All the while he got attention through his art. When he was forced to the edge of the system he begin to lose his identity. Later he is pushed into a loser category. At one point he begins to get attention when he started to perform outside of the system as a wild character. Because of the strong outer factor of the system and due to confused feelings he chose to remain as a wild character without knowing he is actually being a slave of the rottening system.