从看到阿曼达(克里斯蒂娜·里奇 Christina Ricci 饰)第一眼起,杰瑞(贾森·比格斯 Jason Biggs 饰)就深深的爱上了她,尽管此时的杰瑞身边已有佳人相伴而阿曼达亦名花有主,但这残酷的事实依旧无法阻挡杰瑞渴求阿曼达的心。并且,撇开世俗道德不谈,两人也确实是天设地造的一对。 就这样,都并非“自由身”的两人走到了一起,而他们之间的私情很快就东窗事发了,杰瑞的女友和阿曼达的男友选择退出,杰瑞终于可以名正言顺的和阿曼达出双入对了。如果你以为故事到这里就结束了那可真是大错特错,好不容易在一起的杰瑞和阿曼达之间发生了巨大的分歧和矛盾,两人之间的感情眼看着岌岌可危,为此,杰瑞向自己的导师大卫(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen 饰)求助,殊不知,这个在自己眼中无坚不摧的男人,在生活上其实也千疮百孔。
When Dylan Wilson purchases a collection of seven paintings to hang in his wealthy estate, he has no idea what horrors he has unleashed for himself, his wife; Gina, his college son; Louis, his teen-age daughter; Donna, and his two little kids. Only Father Mendale knows what evils lurk inside this deadly art and the history of Dorian Wilde; the artist who made a pact with dark forces when he created these paintings that represent the seven deadly sins. Now, anyone who comes in contact with these pictures are corrupted by Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Greed, Envy, and Wrath. It's up to Father Mendale and Louis' girlfriend; Kim to save Dylan and his family before they are all destroyed by the Art of the Dead.