After a governor issues an executive order to arrest the children of undocumented immigrants, the newly detained youth are offered an opportunity to have their charges dropped by volunteering to provide care to the elderly. Once inside the eldercare facility, the volunteers discover the governor and the facility’s supervisor have cooked up a horrifyingly depraved conspiracy that endangers both the young and the old… 晚娘上部紧接着,屋门吱呀一声打开,方林从中走了出来,呵呵笑道:“呵呵,你们这么多人要是全都跑进来的话,我这小屋就要给你们挤爆咯,嗯,叫你们来主要是有一件重要的事情,这也算是宗门的强制性任务,同时,也是你们晋升真传的试炼考核!”