a gogo KTV(鍚夊埄澶у帵搴? 闃夸竴鍔ㄦ极鐢电帺鍩?鐖变紛鍜栧暋鍘?闉嶅北閬撳皬瀛︽枃鍖栬壓鏈煿璁儴 鍌茶暰杞╄タ椁愬巺 鐖卞悏濂ヨタ椁愰厭鍚?瀹夎揪姹借溅缁翠慨涓績 鑹捐彶灏斿ぇ楗簵 闃块噷绱彍鍖呴キ 瀹夋嵎鏃呮父 濂ユ灄鍖瑰厠
Marusya is 16 and, like many Russian teenagers, is determined to end her life. Then she meets her soulmate in another millennial, Kimi. They spend a decade filming the euphoria and anxiety, the happiness and misery of their youth, muzzled by a violent an autocratic regime in the midst of a “depressed Russia”. This film is a cry from the heart, a tribute to an entire silenced generation. 温凉(伪骨科1v1)现在拜师已过,三人也都见过了,所以二人也都赶着回去继续修练了。