Smash is an American musical-drama television series that premiered on NBC on February 6, 2012. The series was created by playwright Theresa Rebeck and developed by NBC executive Robert Greenblatt, and famed director Steven Spielberg serves as one of the executive producers. The series is broadcast in the United States on the network channel NBC and is produced by DreamWorks Television and Universal Television. The second season premiered on February 5, 2013. The series revolves around a fictional New York theater community and specifically the creation of a new Broadway musical. It features a large ensemble cast, currently led by Debra Messing, Jack Davenport, Katharine McPhee, Christian Borle, Megan Hilty and Anjelica Huston. The series, particularly the pilot episode, has enjoyed considerable success. The first season received an Emmy Award for choreography, and it was also nominated for a Golden Globe and a Grammy award. 中日韩男团该影片讲述了杨业战死幽州后,皇上御赐给杨家的九环金锋定宋宝刀落入辽邦,杨八姐与杨九妹悲愤之下前往辽国夺回宝刀,返程途中遇见流落异乡的宋将焦光普,双方不打不相识,后携手护送宝刀返回故土的故事。