Do-gyeong jumped in to save his student Jiyong from drowning. After the two pass away, Myeongji, Do-gyeong's wife, and Jieun, Jiyong's sister, are left alone in the world, having to cope with the loss of their loved ones. Myeongji travels to Warsaw, Poland, to avoid her harsh reality. She meets an old friend and hides her husband's death as if trying to reject the tragedy. 火影之天下无敌免费笔趣阁鍐ゅぇ澶寸殑璇?鎴戜滑杩樻槸寤鸿鎮ㄩ€夋嫨姝h璁㈡埧娓犻亾,鏈汉鍦ㄤ笂娴稫TV澶滃満濞变箰琛屼笟宸ヤ綔澶氬勾,涓婃捣涓绘祦楂樻。鍟嗗姟KTV鎵惧畨鎺掔粷瀵瑰埌浣?涓婃捣ktv闄敱涓€鑸环鏍?璇氫俊鎺ュ緟,閫忔槑娑堣垂,