表面看来,石生(郑伊健 饰)只是一介平凡男子,然而,在他的体内,潜伏着备魔上官警我(关礼杰 饰)的元神。备魔即将复生的消息在江湖之中传开,峨眉派遂担负起了斩妖除魔的重任。 长老派出了峨眉弟子余英男(陈松龄)、易静(胡樱汶)和申屠宏(欧瑞伟)将备魔消灭在萌芽状态,哪知道随着时间的推移,余英男和石生之间竟然渐渐产生了感情。在魔君轩辕法王(罗乐林 饰)的诱导之下,石生走火入魔,最终化身成为了血魔,而余英男为了挽救爱人,不惜砍去了他的右手。血魔附身在石生的右手上跌落了幻波池,并在之后上了崔盈(钟淑慧 饰)的身,峨眉派的安危悬于一线。 武破至尊“Why are they even together?” would be the first thought that comes to mind, as Chu Sang Woo and Jang Jae Young are so different in every conceivable way. One is a robot-like engineering student who wears dark clothes for convenience and follows a strict timetable. The other is a free-spirit design major, with colorful outfits and a skateboard. When Jae Young freerides on a team assignment with Sang Woo, Sang Woo crosses off Jae Young’s name from the project, and the two become enemies. The film is a re-edit of an eight part TV series that topped the WATCHA Chart, based on the web novel Semantic Error by Jeo Soo-ri. It would be challenging to exceed expectations as the novel has a huge fanbase, however, two formal idol actors, Park Seo Ham and Park Jae Chan, hit the jackpot. Director Kim Soo Jung delicately emphasizes the comic and fresh romance of the young men, who have unique charms and perfect looks, as they do in the novel.