It's been eight years since the opening night tragedy of Hell House, LLC and still many unanswered questions remain. Thanks to an anonymous tip, investigative journalist Jessica Fox is convinced that key evidence is hidden inside the abandoned Abaddon Hotel-evidence that will shed light on the hotel's mysteries. She assembles a team equally hungry for answers with one goal: break into the hotel and discover the truth. 温温暖暖20世纪初,渭河平原滋水县有一个白鹿原,生活着一群普通却不平凡的百姓。白鹿两家合而为村,相互依存又关系微妙。少东家白嘉轩(张嘉益 饰)与鹿子霖(何冰 饰)为了族长位置暗自较劲儿。嘉轩娶回逃难的仙草(秦海璐 饰),先后生下孝文、孝武和白灵三个孩子。鹿子霖爱走歪门邪道,一心 让两个儿子兆鹏和兆海光宗耀祖。生于乱世,城头变幻大王旗。但不管谁做官,总不免鱼肉底层的百姓。白嘉轩顶着各方的压力,成为白鹿原上响当当的一根硬骨头。可是孩子们长大后,却各有各的主意。拒绝包办婚姻的兆鹏(雷佳音 饰)加入共产党,自己的弟弟则成为国军军官。白灵紧随兆鹏入了党,孝文一心讨好父亲,却渐渐偏离了正道。半个世纪的画卷,展现了中国乱世下的众生相…… 本片根据已故作家陈忠实的同名小说改编。