A hit man in black struggles into an apartment complex. It turns out that the apartments are hosts to a cornucopia of characters. A couple are about to separate or play baseball. A woman maintains a schedule of screaming in order for the neighbours to ascertain that she is alive. A mother just wants to have fun. A daughter just wants to obtain high marks and then someone walks on the roof looking for a UFO to act as a taxi. 神秘频道涓婃捣闃虫硥鍒嗙被淇℃伅缃?涓轰綘鎻愪緵鎴夸骇銆佹嫑鑱樸€侀粍椤点€佸洟璐€佷氦鍙嬨€佷簩鎵嬨€佸疇鐗┿€佽溅杈嗐€佸懆杈规父绛夋捣閲忓垎绫讳俊鎭?鍏呭垎婊¤冻鎮ㄥ厤璐规煡鐪?鍙戝竷淇℃伅鐨勯渶姹傘€傞槼娉変笂娴?涓撲笟鐨勫垎绫讳俊鎭綉銆?
杰克(安迪·萨姆伯格 Andy Samberg 饰)是一位精明强干的警探,被他所捕获的罪犯能排上好长一列,然而,在其他同事,包括他那新上任的上司雷(安德鲁·布劳尔 Andre Braugher 饰)眼中,一心追求“成绩”的他似乎有那么一些“不守规矩”。艾米(Melissa Gallo 饰)出生于警察世家,作为家中唯一一个穿上警服的女孩,她明白自己肩上背负着怎样的重担,有些时候,这重担压得她都有些喘不过气了。 泰瑞(泰瑞·克鲁斯 Terry Crews 饰)性格懦弱,担心妻子带着一对双胞胎女儿离他而去,因此拒绝外勤。而查尔斯(乔·洛·特鲁格里奥 Joe Lo Truglio 饰)则陷入了对美女探员洛萨(斯蒂芬妮·比翠丝 Stephanie Beatriz 饰)那注定不会有结果的恋情之中无法自拔。