The Walking Fish is a tragicomic short film about ambition, perfection and self-acceptance. The 19-minute film, directed by Thessa Meijer, tells the story of an ambitious sea-creature that pursues her dream to join the human world. But even as she transforms into a young woman, Mutsumi is not satisfied. On land, she’s faced with new ambitious pursuits; to become the prettiest, to secure a successful career, to be a dreamy girlfriend. Will she ever be content, able to enjoy her journey?
“你们大师兄来没?”红色机尾在线完整版即将结束职业生涯的水球奥运冠军Matthias Le Goff决定在电视上发表恐同言论,却没想到迎来的“惩罚”是带领一支同性水球队前往克罗地亚参加LGBTQ运动比赛。