Marple is called upon to solve her most perplexing case yet. Upon his death, financier John Rafiel asks her to solve a murder. Only problem is that the murder may or may not have place as yet and the victim is unknown. All that he has given her is two tickets on the Daffodil Tour Company's Mystery Tour. It soon becomes obvious that others on the tour were also "selected" by Mr. Rafiel. Jane Marple, assisted by her nephew Raymond West, concludes that the case must be related to that of Verity Hunt, a young woman who in 1939 was running away from an overattentive landlord and eventually disappeared. When a member of the tour dies mysteriously, she also realizes that someone is desperate to keep a deep, dark secret. 金刚骷髅岛电影免费观看中文自从《媒体良化法》推行以来,近未来的日本围绕风纪约束和言论自由展开了激烈的拉锯战。媒体良化队针对有害书籍的查禁和销毁不遗余力,与之相对,图书馆自卫组织图书队则拼尽全力保护着人们获取知识和娱乐的自由,为此不惜与良化队兵戎相见,牺牲生命。在历次的对抗中,倔强女孩笠原郁(荣仓奈奈 饰)和魔鬼教官堂上笃(冈田准一 饰)的默契与感情不断加深,彼此的心也越来越近。为了迎接即将到来的“艺术祭典”,图书队决定出借具有重要象征意义的《图书法规要览》在祭典上展出,为此专门安排了最高级别的安保工作。谁知良化队早就听到风声,接连派出大队人马势要夺走这本仅存的要览。在一连串事件背后,手冢光(福士苍汰 饰)哥哥——效力于文部科学省手冢慧(松坂桃李 饰)则致力推行着他的“未来计划”。图书队何去何从…… 本片根据作家有川浩的“图书馆系列”改编。