In Alexandria, in 1938, Darley, a young British schoolmaster and poet, makes friends through Pursewarden, the British consular officer, with Justine, the beautiful and mysterious wife of a Coptic banker. He observes the affairs of her heart and incidentally discovers that she is involved in a plot against the British, meant to arm the Jewish underground in Palestine. The plot finally fails, Justine is sent to jail and Darley decides to return to England. - Written by Guy Bellinger (From IMDb) b站视频入口6、迪拜公馆KTV 地址:上海市浦东新区浙桥路 歌曲种类:9.6分 车位很多:9.7分 安全系数:9.5分 交通便利:9.6分 7、花熙会所 地址:上海市杨浦区国顺东路 歌曲种类:9.6分 车位很多:9.7