Simultaneously appearing over every major city in the world, the Visitors (or V's) arrived offering us the wonders of their technology and promoting peace. While the world quickly embraced the V's as saviors in ABC's "V" (2011) TV show, an FBI Counter Terrorist Agent, and others making up the resistance group called The Fifth Column, quickly discovered that the Visitors are not who they said they were. Will humanity stop being fooled and realize the Visitors true intentions before it becomes too late and they take over Earth in "V" Season 2? 第五元素电影插曲《金山上的树叶》是一部现实题材的网络电影,该片以黄杜村党员向湖南省古丈县、四川省青川县以及贵州省普安县和沿河土家族自治县捐献“白叶一号”扶贫苗为背景创作,讲述黄杜村人在绿水青山就是金山银山理念指导下实现自我富裕的同时,不忘为党分忧,先富带动后富实现共同富裕的生动故事。
An alien ship encounters a strange flying object: the Voyager spacecraft. Professor Dr. Georg Friedele wants to teach the aliens about evolution on earth but the more the aliens listen the angrier they turn towards the humans.