法国导演Jeff Le Bars创作了这部“黑色”为主的动画,一个小孩子在雪原上走失,眼看就要被冻死,但一匹将死的狼跟他达成了一项交易。狼让小孩杀死自己,以自己的毛皮取暖,以自己的血肉充饥,但交换条件是他要保护狼崽。最后他违背了诺言,背着狼皮逃跑了,在故事结尾遭到了“报应”,被自己的妈妈一枪毙命。 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTI2ODk5NTE4MA==.html
"......"亚瑟犹豫了很久,"......好吧。我会照顾好格林薇儿的。"快递惊魂游戏A group of friends return home with Hunter Killian to support him as he shares a family secret only to learn that sometimes older secrets are more deadly. Hunter was childhood friends with Ben Holister but rumors of horrid abuse made Hunter's parents force him to stop playing with Ben. Hunter was Ben's only connection to reality and the ever-evading hope that he could one day lead a normal life. This disconnect combined with his deep isolation into the dreary world of abuse force him into creating a false view of pain, love, and the world of acceptance around him. Ben returns from this world pitted deeply with anger and terrorizes the friends with the lessons he's learned.