Yael Hersonski's powerful documentary achieves a remarkable feat through its penetrating look at another film-the now-infamous Nazi-produced film about the Warsaw Ghetto. Discovered after the war, the unfinished work, with no soundtrack, quickly became a resource for historians seeking an authentic record, despite its elaborate propagandistic construction. The later discovery of a long-missing reel complicated earlier readings, showing the manipulations of camera crews in these "everyday" scenes. Well-heeled Jews attending elegant dinners and theatricals (while callously stepping over the dead bodies of compatriots) now appeared as unwilling, but complicit, actors, alternately fearful and in denial of their looming fate. ——Written by Sundance Film Festival
寒冷的怀俄明州山谷中,一辆马车载着赏金猎人“绞刑者”约翰·鲁斯(库尔特·拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)及其价值一万美元的猎物黛西·多摩格(詹妮弗·杰森·李 Jennifer Jason Leigh 饰)踏雪而行。途中,黑人赏金猎人马奎斯·沃伦少校(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)和新人警长克里斯·马尼克斯(沃尔顿·戈金斯 Walton Goggins 饰)相继登上马车,红石镇是他们共同的目标。由于风雪太大,马车停在了米妮男装店,然而熟悉的店主人不知去向,却另有四名不速之客百无聊赖地待在店里。约翰时刻担心他人抢走猎物,马奎斯警惕地扫视面前的陌生人们,多嘴多舌的克里斯不时为紧张的气氛中加油添醋,黛西则似乎等待更大的风暴到来。 仿佛与世隔绝的小店内,即将刮起一场更为猛烈的风暴…… 栋笃神探2小编为大家倾情推荐上海值得去的三大KTV。 Bot1、新上海滩KTV 地址:上海市普陀区长寿路 服务到位:★★★ 很有格调:★★★ 设备丰富:★★★ 超级过瘾:★★★ 酒水充足:★★★ 环境顶