直美(堀北真希 饰)是东京国际学校的高中生,因为一次意外,她从台阶上跌落,除了身受皮肉之苦,还失去了过去四年的记忆,唯一铭刻的是她曾经与人接吻的画面。由于这样的记忆碎片,总是隐约出现,以至于她开始与现实中的人对号入座。渐渐地,那个模糊的身影被锁定在三个男人身上:包括亲切的学长(松山健一 饰)、善良的同窗(手越佑也 饰)以及美国留学生(安东•尤金 Anton Yelchin 饰)。直美于是开始对这三个男人分别示好,希望从蛛丝马迹中寻找到真爱的讯号。然而,阴错阳差,总是不能如愿,记忆中的影子与现实中的爱侣似乎总是差了一些,难以对接。一次偶然的机会,直美取回了丢失四年的记忆,她这才如梦初醒,赫然发现原来自己真心爱的是他…… 精品sm视频网站在线观看Twenty years ago at the infamous Redwood Farm, the owner went mad and killed his family and himself. Shrouded in urban legend ever since, a stranger obsessed with the unsolved Redwood murders convinces a group of bereaved family members to venture into the wilderness in the hope of proving the existence of the notorious burlap bag-masked maniac. Their quest for truth sees a sinister turn of events, as the hunters become the hunted and a blood-soaked fight for survival ensues when they find that the sinister tales told of the axe-wielding psycho farmer are very real indeed.