HOV□□ takes p□ace in the n□ar f□□ure□□wh□□e env□ro□m□□ta□ strai□ has caused f□□d□shortag□□ a□o□nd th□ wo□ld. Technolo□y provides□□□narr□w path f□rw□rd, w□□h agricultural d□ones maximizi□g the yield fro□□what land rem□in□. Two compassio□ate□car□ pro□ider□□ Cl□udia (C□leman)□a□d her mento□ J□hn □Cra□□ muMs □□ant), work to assi□t□si□k farml□nd inh□bitants in endi□g □heir lives. After John die□ □nd□r m□□terious ci□cumsta□ces, □ group □f locals helps□□laudia to uncover a□d□□dly □on□ection betw□e□ the health of□her □li□nts □nd the te□h□ology they are using.- 他多次试图杀□七安□□)夺取气运...