After eight years of marriage, Robert and Nina divorce. He takes up with his womanising Navy buddy Charlie Nelson while she looks to her interfering mother for guidance. Both start dating other people, but although they try and ignore each other whenever they accidentally meet, it is obvious the past is not dead. Then one night they find themselves in a nightclub doing the mambo together. 《打黑风暴》22集全剧情名门量贩KTV 绵阳尹发米粉 明亮名店 美佳超市(沙河街店) 名品惠生活馆 茗扬天下商务会所 名优化妆品(天山南路一段) 美的(德阳洋洋百货店) 茗香园茶舍 玛诺上品 木九十(凯德广