Chip 'n Dale live next door to a zoo and spot the elephant's stash of peanuts. They go after them, but both the elephant and his keeper, Donald, are too clever. Then the boys realize the visitors throw peanuts, so they put on a song-and-dance act. Then they paint themselves white and pose as albino chipmunks. 血迷宫电视剧什么时候播出E 恩怡提KTV | F Friend·KTV | 帆之韵量贩式KTV | 翡翠明珠 | 菲娜量贩式KTV即墨NO.1 | 飞越KTV | 风儿KTV | 凤和鸣KTV | 枫林苑音乐娱乐城 | 枫林苑音乐娱乐城量贩式KTV |