《血滴子》由陈可辛监制、刘伟强执导,取景地包括山西、北京、杭州等地。 雍正(刘伟强 饰)在位期间创立杀手组织——血滴子,专执行朝廷秘令,缉杀异己,其暗器专取人首级。在统帅龚额(王羽 饰)指挥下,队长冷(阮经天 饰)率领陈泰(蒲巴甲 饰)、胡图(高天 饰)、穆森(李宇春 饰)、十三(井柏然 饰)、布喀(周一围 饰)等人配合默契从未失手。边境处,天狼(黄晓明 饰)建立牧人帮多次密谋反清,声势日渐壮大深得民心,乾隆(文章 饰)授命血滴子将其擒杀。众人成功擒拿天狼,却在通往刑场的路上遭遇牧人帮埋伏。危急关头,穆森被天狼胁持,而血滴子也生擒了天狼的部下白兰(李梦 饰)。成功脱身的天狼正逃去根据地武关镇,龚额命众人必须取下天狼首级。而另一边,乾隆早希望以火枪、火炮等火器取代冷兵器,任命大内密探海都(余文乐 饰)一路随行,借机将血滴子赶尽杀绝。这一次,双方处境岌岌可危...... 兰陵王台湾版Man runs with hand in front of face away from explosion as seen on Against The Elements (DCL) Against the Elements reveals the science behind the most heart-stopping natural disasters ever captured on camera. Discovery Channel’s groundbreaking forensic investigations reveal what caused these catastrophes and what we've learned from past disasters to protect us in the future. We'll meet the people who survived against overwhelming odds and we'll talk to scientists and experts who've dedicated their lives to understanding these amazing natural phenomena. The forces of earth, water, wind and fire impact us all every day ... sometimes benignly, sometimes deadly. And it's in that instant, that moment when ordinary weather turns extraordinary, that we realise life is an ongoing battle ... Against the Elements.