(词曲);罗文《狮子山下》;叶振棠《万里长城永不倒》;关正杰、关菊英《两忘烟水里》;蔡国权《不装饰你的梦》(词曲);徐小凤《顺流逆流》;黄霑《沧海一声笑》(词曲);叶丽魔法庄园奇幻之旅think the show has potential. It has a good story line so far. It will be interesting to see the story progress as the season continues. I like the actors playing Krista and Marcus. They have nice chemistry. However, the actor playing Blade needs a little work. He's trying too hard to duplicate Wesley Snipes, making it difficult to understand his lines. Maybe he needs to enunciate or maybe it's just hard for him to speak with fangs...? Either way, he needs a speech coach. All in all it's a good show if you're a fan of vampire movies or Buffy/Angel type shows. Was the above comment useful to you?