林朝生却是大喝道:“放屁,那石板是我凌华宗弟子拼了命抢到的,又不是你李家送我们的,你有什么资格提出要求,至于说那玄天冰魄的话,那是我小师弟用护脉丹交换的,人家双方愿意,你管得着,也不知道当时是谁看不上那玄天冰魄,现在没有了好处,却又要来胡搅蛮缠,真是不要脸!”东京漂移客串Four characters with dreams passions and desires but with the fear of becoming adults in today's Mexico City. MARTIN is a young man in love with a girl he barely knows, named Cris, who has shut him out of her social networks. He wants to scream his love out to the world even if the world is trying to quiet him down. DANIEL is a musician turned into a taxi driver after he impregnated his teenage girlfriend. The day he decides to become a responsible grown up will be one of the unluckiest days of his life. DULCE is an aggressive bully in high school, but deep inside she sees herself as a nice girl who deserves to be loved and she's ready to loose her virginity with the first guy who is willing to take it. PEDRO is a boy with a disappointed view of the world of the adults, who has decided to stop speaking as a normal person and starts his own language. All of them have this irritant obstacle in common: The adults.