Wolfgang is traveling in outer space when a monster, which he sees as a beautiful woman, appears in his spaceship and makes love with him. Then the ship is forced to land on a planet which is a penal colony. Here he meets Miranda who falls in love with him. A group of prisoners uses him and his spaceship to fly away from the planet. But the monster which is by now inside Wolfgang arouses and only Miranda's love can save him. 丛林奇航免费观看完整版在线播放按以下shift切换英文输入法状态,同时按住shift和键盘上数字”0“右边的键,就可以打出”___” 为下划线读音Xià’huà’xiàn用键盘上“0”数字后边的按键,英文输入状态下用Shift + quotquot 就可以上打出