"没关系的,你连龙击炮都会用了,用不惯的猎枪算什么?摸一下就马上会习惯的。"凯也使劲坑人,唯恐天下不乱。栗鸢的小说简介威尔的爸爸妈妈都是超人界定天皇巨星,理所当然,少年威尔(迈克尔•安格拉诺 Michael Angarano 饰)进入了超人的摇篮——超人高校学习。进校的第一天就要进行超能力测试,拥有超能力的优质学生将进入英雄组,其他人则会被分到吃力不讨好的助手组。很不幸,威尔进入了助手组。从此,威尔的日子相当不好过,他不仅被超人组队同学整蛊,就连啦啦队的美女们都取笑他,而且可怜的他还要尽力向超人父母隐瞒他在学校的悲惨遭遇。屋漏偏逢连夜雨,此时,一只罪恶的黑手伸向了超人学校……
Ireland 1981. Nine-year-old Cáit counters the adversities of a life in poverty on the countryside with a quiet retreat into her own world: She is a sensitive observer of the beauty of the small things around her. When she is sent from her overwhelmed, often emotionally cold extended family to an older, childless couple during the holidays, she experiences deep affection, perhaps for the first time ever.