Married carnival performers are subjected to the abuses of their employer in this silent film gem that has not received as much attention as it deserves. When the boss' unwanted advances on the wife are refused, he taunts a lion until it nearly kills her. But the other performers assist in a unique plot for revenge. Jaque Catelain directs and stars in this film made for influential French director Marcel L'Herbier's production company. Some sources also list L'Herbier as co-director, as he is credited here. The film boasts some rapid-fire editing techniques that were decades ahead of its time. hunger games母胎单身,情商为零,不知道自己为何而生的自卑处男工薪族·小日向大河(24岁)在上班途中因为某个“小事故”第一次坠入爱河。 他爱上了童颜巨乳的大姐姐·驹田多惠(32岁)。而治愈系的多惠的真实身份居然是一位职业女棋手!? 不在同一世界的自卑处男和美女棋手的姐弟恋就此展开……这份恋情,有罪吗