

□It has□been □a□□ □□at mos□ □re□t □went□et□ cent□ry nov□ls include sce□□s in a ho□el, a sympt□m□of th□ vast upro□ting that□has occ□rred in□the □ast cen□ury: Ja□e□ Ivo□y □egins Quartet with a mon□age of □he □□t□□s of Mo□tparna□se, a qui□t prelu□e □e□ore ou□□□n□rod□cti□n to□the violently lost soul□ who inhabit them.  Adapted from the 1928 autobio□raphi□al □ovel b□ Jean Rhys, Qua□tet is □he story of a lov□ quadrangle□□□t□een a comp□icate□ you□g□We□t India□ woma□ n□me□ □ar□a (p□□□ed by □sabell□□A□jani), her husb□nd St□fa□ (An□ho□y Higgins), a manipulative □ngl□sh art patron named Heidler (Al□□ Bates), and□his p□i□t□r wife□Lois (M□g□ie Smith). The film is □e□□in the G□lden Age□of □a□is, □emingway'□s "movea□le □□ast" of ca□e culture□and ext□□□ag□nt □ightlife, glitter a□d □iterati: yet und□rneath i□ th□ outline of something s□□ister benea□h□the polishe□□brasses□□nd□□r□sseries□  When M□rya□#39;s husb□nd is put in a Paris prison on□charges of s□□lin□ sto□en □rt wor□s, she is le□t indigent an□ is □aken in □y □eidler and his wife: the predator□□E□g□ishma□ (wh□□e char□cter Rhy□ ba□□s on the n□velist For□ □adox F□rd) i□ quick to□take a□vantage of□□he new l□vi□g arra□gement, □nd Marya finds he□self i□□a strangle□old b□t□een hus□and and wife. □□vers alternatel□□gravitate toward and a□e □epell□d by e□ch other,□now prof□ssin□ the□□ love, now confe□sing□thei□ brutal indif□e□en□e □- all the while ke□pi□g u□ app□ar□nces. □he film explores □he vast te□r□tory b□tw□en □□e "n□c□□□uot; a□d the "good□□qu□t; □etwee□ outwar□ refine□e□t □nd inner□darkn□ss: afte□ one viol□□t □pi□ode, L□is asks Mar□a not□to speak of□it to the □ari□ cro□d. "Is□t□at all you're□wor□ied □bo□□□" demands a□ out□aged Mar□a. □qu□□;Yes□"□□oi□ □epl□es with icy can□or, &□□ot;as a matter of□□act□&q□ot;  Adjani □on the Bes□□Actress award at Cannes for he□ perfor□ances in Quartet: □e□□Marya is□a volatile compound□of Frenc□□schoolgi□l and sco□ned mistress□ ve□ring between□tremulous joy □nd□hyster□cal outbu□s□□ Smi□h □□ines in one of h□r most me□o□able roles: she□i□□ues Loi□ wi□h a Katherine-o□□□ragon impo□e□t rage, as hum□liated as she is power□ess in the fa□e of he□ husband□#39□s □hoices. Her in□eract□on□ with B□tes are sce□es from a□ma□riag□ □hat has moved fr□m disill□□ion□ent to □ale accept□nce. □Ruth□□raw□r Jh□□vala□and J□mes Ivory's s□r□enpl□y uses Rhy□&□39;s novel as a fo□□dat□on from which it □□nstruc□s a world that i□ both□true to the □□□e□□an□ d□□tinc□ive □□ its □wn righ□, painting□□ society th□t has los□ its inhibitions and□□nadvertentl□ l□st□its sou□. W□ □r□ taken to mirror□d caf□s, then mov□ throu□h the loo□ing □lass: Marya, in □□e sc□ne,□is o□fer□d a□j□b□as a model □nd □□en f□nds herse□f□□n a□sado□asochistic pornographer's studio. The □□lm,□as photogr□phed by Pierre Lhomme□ cre□te□ thoro□ghl□ ci□e□ati□ m□ments t□at Rhy&#□9;s□□ovel cou□d no□ hav□ atte□pt□d: in □ne of t□□ Ivor□'□s most memorable□scenes□ a black America□ chanteuse □ex□raor□inarily p□a□□d □y Arm□li□ McQueen) □n□ertains Parisi□n pa□ron□ with a bi□ a□d brassy□j□zz song,□neithe□ subt□e nor elegant. I□o□y kee□s t□e ca□era on □h□ □inger□;s act: ther□ is s□methi□g□in □er unguar□ed smile that make□□the □anger bene□□h Mo□t□a□nasse□m□nner□□□□em mo□e□acut□.接住丹□□,武书拱手道,“多谢大皇□殿下!”  近年□,万□□区坚持“绿水青山(🤙□就是金山银(🔧)山”理念,把建□“绿色生态□范区”作为打□国家区域中心城市核心□区的重要载体,加□推进西山□态综合□理,培育创建万亩□态□、□封一□📷)□天□桃花□、偏□沟等文旅□牌,全区□□)森林□□□达□🍑)38.19□,建成□绿化覆盖率□□5.68%。竟□💀)然□那名与一□战斗的青□(🎍)发出的叫喊□声,此□的□已□丢掉了自己的兵器,双手抱头地□(📔)在地□,□□有半点□手的风范,一(🤯)□冷笑一声,闪电□出手封住了□的修为,收□了他□储物戒(🐌)指,在□证□再也无法施展□他手段后□才将其□提了过来□与此同时,另□□□□去(□)了战意,被闻人巧儿给制服。

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