What if most of our modern diseases are really just symptoms of the same problem? The Magic Pill is a character-driven documentary that follows doctors, patients, scientists, chefs, farmers and journalists from around the globe who are combating illness through a paradigm shift in eating. And this simple change -- embracing fat as our main fuel -- is showing profound promise in improving the health of people, animals and the planet.@追高清 鸭子网今日鸭价格行情涓婃捣鍗佸ぇ澶滃簵鎺掑悕濡備笅锛?銆佺帇鏈濆浗闄匥TV 2銆佷笢鏂规眹澶滄€讳細 3銆佹柊婵犲浗闄匥TV 4銆侀浘閲岃姳澶滄€讳細 5銆侀簰楹熸眹澶滄€讳細 6銆佸疂鐝戝晢鍔′細鎵€ 7銆侀摱灏婂浗闄匥TV 8銆佽姼椤朵細淇变箰閮?9銆佸槈