以下资料来自维基百科: The Simpsons' second season originally aired between October 11, 1990 and May 9, 1991, and contained 22 episodes, beginning with "Bart Gets an F". Another episode, "Blood Feud" aired during the summer after the official season finale. The show runners for the second production season were Matt Groening, James L. Brooks, and Sam Simon, who had also been EPs for the previous season.[1] The DVD box set was released on August 6, 2002 in Region 1, July 8, 2002 in Region 2 and in September, 2002 in Region 4. The episode "Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment" won the Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program (For Programming less than One Hour), and was also nominated in the "Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy Series or a Special" category. 不良人第四季和第五季是不是接不上警察厅长家被盗,厅长暴怒,女飞贼胆敢明目张胆向警察厅长宣战,夏寒临危授命务必捉拿女飞贼柳飘飘! 人海茫茫,女飞贼来无影去无踪,该如何捉拿?夏寒巧施妙计,放出沈家红宝石的消息,守株待兔,静候女飞贼出现。夏寒无意卷入沈家大小姐沈君碧谋杀案中,沈君碧在婚礼当晚被人谋杀,凶手在夏寒眼皮下作案,究竟是谁杀了沈君碧?最有可能杀人的情敌钟情丽却没有作案时机,抽丝剥茧,几个疑犯都一一被排除,在破案的同时,夏寒识破乔装改扮的女飞贼柳飘飘。难道是她偷盗红宝石时杀了沈君碧?柳飘飘承认自己去过案发现场却晚了一步,有人先她偷走了红宝石,千头万绪的夏寒从这个线索追查下去,结果让人出乎意料,当晚被打伤最没有作案可能的新郎是杀人凶手,一段爱恨情仇也随之付出水面。夏寒凭借缜密的思维与细心终于成功破获了这个案中案