,试用期3500元/月,试用期后视个人能力调整工薪,试用期后买社保,月休4天。熟悉税务系统管理,有建筑行业工作经历,年龄30-45岁。 2.行政文员人事1名 ,2800元-3500元/月,女,年龄3 马永贞之英雄血哔哩哔哩Kreola arrives in Santa Domingo to join her photographer husband Andy. Although Andy is initially jealous of Marco, who is in town looking for his missing girlfriend who did not return from Santa Domingo with her coworkers after a girls getaway. When Kreola and Andy site the missing girl Iris in the company of their gruff, dominating sea captain Leon, Andy suggests Kreola distract him so that Marco has a chance of getting Iris back. Kreola scoffs at this but eventually does fall under Leon's spell. Andy's writer friend Jo Ann blames the island atmosphere for the tendency for puritanical Westerners to reject their inhibitions. When Andy and Marco cannot free their women from Leon's influence, things get drastic.