在非洲游历了一圈之后,纽约中央公园的四位明星们继续着回到纽约,回到中央公园的旅程。不过,只要旅途中有猩猩和那群企鹅的“帮忙”,旅程就没有想象中的那么顺利。在蒙特卡洛的一家赌场里,由于大家的耍宝,大闹赌场,进而招致了心狠手辣的动物管理局上尉杜波依斯(弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德 Frances McDormand 配音)的围追堵截。为了逃过追捕,大家逃进了一个在欧洲进行巡回演出的马戏团。在马戏团里,大家延续着“马达加斯加”式的幽默,笑料百出。虽然,欧洲这一路上的旅行并不顺利,不断受到杜波依斯上尉的追捕威胁,不过大家一直怀揣着回到纽约,回到纽约中央公园的梦想。在马戏团,还帮助了东北虎维塔利(布莱恩·科兰斯顿 Bryan Cranston 配音)、美洲虎吉亚(杰西卡·查斯坦 Jessica Chastain 配音)以及海狮斯蒂芬诺(马丁·肖特 Martin Short 配音)重拾对马戏表演的信心。 天生一对美国电影免费Timed with the 2020 women's suffrage centennial, American Masters - Unladylike2020: The Changemakers takes a look at women whose courage and tenacity 100 years ago shaped the political life and future of this nation. Their accomplishments were instrumental in accomplishing voting rights for women -- but also in improving the quality of life for all citizens. This hour-long PBS American Masters animated documentary film will present profiles of five little-known women trailblazers who were active in government, civil rights, and citizenship rights, behaving in ways that placed them outside the mainstream of expected behaviors for 'ladies' at the turn of the 20th century. They include: Martha Hughes Cannon, the country's first female state senator; Jovita Idar, a journalist, and president of one of the first Mexican American women's civil rights organizations; Jeannette Rankin, the first woman elected to the U.S. Congress; Mary Church Terrell, a leader in the anti-lynching movement and a founder of the NAACP; and Zitkála-Sá, aka Gertrude Simmons Bonnin, who lobbied for U.S. citizenship, voting rights and sovereignty for American Indians a century ago.