Jessica lives in fear of a man named Kevin who follows her everywhere she goes. While on a road trip, she reconnects with Elena, an old friend she hasn’t seen since high school. Elena has been hiding out at her deceased grandmother’s ranch in New Mexico. When Kevin mysteriously appears at the ranch, Jessica and Elena seek help from beyond the grave to get rid of him for good. But Kevin is different from other stalkers and won’t move on so easily. 醉猴电影文豹故事发生在上世纪70年代,17岁的夜店服务生艾迪(马克·沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)天生拥有巨大的秘密武器,一次偶然机会,他被色情片导演杰克(伯特·雷诺兹 Burt Reynolds 饰)看中。于是,艾迪改艺名为德克,在杰克的栽培下在色情电影界大放异彩,成 了该行业的天皇巨星。因为所拍影片都很卖座,杰克和德克名利双收,过着豪华无度的生活。然而进入80年代以后,色情电影工业发生了重大变化,过去辉煌的历史一去不返,德克和杰克这对色情电影业的最佳拍档也分道扬镳……