樱兰高校男公关部 凉宫春日的忧郁 美鸟日记 校园迷糊大王 完美小姐进化论 蜜蜂和四叶草 旋风管家 樱兰 凉宫春日的忧郁 Happiness!SP版完美小姐进化论 水果篮子 金色琴弦 零之使魔 SOLA AIR KANON SCHOOL DAYS SHUFFLE GIFT
电影提名09年度俄罗斯奥斯卡(尼卡奖)最佳电影。 Based on Vladimir Makanin's The Prisoner from the Caucasus CAPTIVE focuses on the folly of war in an intimate, startling way. In modern times, the Russian soldiers are trapped in the vast Chechen landscape, stifling in the heat, lost in hostile, alien surrounds. The handsome, laconic commander Rubakhin and the playful sniper Vovka need a guide to lead their convoy to safety. They seize a local, beautiful boy, who becomes their passport to safety, but must pay a terrible price. And his captors will not escape from the incident unscathed either.... 白衣天使 百度百科柴局长看的眼角直抽抽。