吉田惠辅导演新作《BLUE》!松山研一&木村文乃&柄本时生&东出昌大联合共演。 《白昼之雨》《犬猿》导演吉田惠辅新作《BLUE》情报解禁!本作是吉田导演自编自导,构想8年的完全原创作品!故事依然把镜头对准人,松山研一扮演前辈拳击手瓜田,东出昌大则扮演天才年轻拳手小川,木村文乃将扮演小川的婚约者,同时也是瓜田的初恋千佳,而柄本时生扮演为了女儿而奋斗的新人拳手楢崎。 ▶片名:BLUE ▷导演・编剧・杀阵执导:吉田惠辅 ▶出演:松山研一,木村文乃,柄本时生,东出昌大等 ▷配给:Phantom Film ▶公映时期:2021年4月
Evelyn Prentice is the respected wife of a high-profile New York attorney. Despite the prestige and status she enjoys, she feels neglected and out of boredom becomes involved with an unscrupulous womanizing poet, who gives her the attention she craves. She eventually finds herself a victim of blackmail and becomes involved in his murder. When another woman is accused of the crime, she begs her husband to defend her. 欧美艺术装修风格图片张燕嘲讽道。