Ireland 1981. Nine-year-old Cáit counters the adversities of a life in poverty on the countryside with a quiet retreat into her own world: She is a sensitive observer of the beauty of the small things around her. When she is sent from her overwhelmed, often emotionally cold extended family to an older, childless couple during the holidays, she experiences deep affection, perhaps for the first time ever. 可免费观看情趣视频网站有哪些 特区政府康文署发言人说,本届“香港流行文化节”在节目编排上加入不少年轻人喜爱的元素,如以原音、爵士乐及无伴奏合唱等不同手法重新演绎流行经典,借此展示生生不息的文化传承、突破和发展,期望吸引青年观众。