山东省济南市历下区的李女士也曾被“谁来带娃”困扰。家中有两个孩子,老大在读小学,老二刚满一岁。“我们是双职工家庭,父母身体又不好。”李女士道出了当时的纠结:孩子小,送幼儿园没到龄;雇保姆,花费大,且有点不放心。花町物语游戏Devastated by the loss of her fifteen year old son, Kevin, at the 1989 FA Cup semi-final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest, Anne Williams fights for the truth about the tragedy. Standing along side other parents who lost children in the match and refusing to believe the official investigation results, Anne seeks her own evidence in a relentless quest for justice.