When the single middle-aged Luis travels from Barcelona to bury the remains of his mother in the vault of his family in Segovia, he is lodged by his aunt Pilar in her old house where he spent his summer of 1936 with her. He meets his cousin Angelica, who was his first love, living on the first floor with her husband and daughter, and he recalls his childhood in times of the Spanish Civil War entwined with the present. 兽人之绝对侵占孟掌柜虽然不能完全理解郑凌霄话中的意思,不过他却是知道对方在奚落他,瑞福楼掌柜虽然听起来不怎么样,但是在这王城,谁都知道,他的身后是玄元宗,虽然他修为不高,然而却是一个实打实的大人物,又怎么能受得了别人的奚落,当下就愤怒地咆哮道:“好一个没有礼数的小子,也不知道是哪儿来的土包子,定然是在此地抢劫不成,欲要杀人灭口,现在既然被本座给撞见了,定要好好的教训一番,来人,给我拿下,如若反抗,就地格杀!”