二十七岁的马克斯(詹姆斯·斯派德 James Spader 饰)是一位事业有成的广告人,不久前,他的妻子不幸去世,至今,马克斯都未能走出丧妻的悲痛阴影中,个性也因此而变得封闭和阴沉。 某日,他来到了一间小酒吧喝酒解闷,在这里,马克斯遇见了名为诺拉(苏珊·萨兰登 Susan Sarandon 饰)的四十三岁女招待。命运让这两个身份地位和年龄都悬殊巨大的人相互吸引,诺拉让马克斯暂时淡忘了痛苦,马克斯亦教会了诺拉什么是尊重,随着时间的推移,他们坠入了爱河。然而,这段世人眼中并不匹配的恋情注定要遭到诸多的考验,最终,他们的真爱能否战胜世俗的非议和彼此之间巨大的鸿沟呢? RCT—720随着一道粗犷的声音响起,一位身材挺拔的中年壮汉,笑着走了进来。
This film marks the directorial debut of Robert Benayoun. An artist (Richard Leduc) attending a party smokes some dope and develops the ability to see into the future and the past. He returns to his apartment where he sees the vision of a woman who had lived there 30 years ago. A friend tries to convince him it is his heightened sensitively as an artist that allows for the newfound abilities, but he soon has psychedelic hallucinations and his abilities increase with time. Stop-motion photography is effectively used in his sequence of visual experiences where the people exist but not the city in this metaphysical story.