A violinist in a provincial Polish orchestra, whose husband is the director of the ensemble, on a visit to the US ties up with the world- renowned symphony conductor. As it turns out he was once in love with violinist's mother. The conductor, a slightly unstable hypochondriac, returns to Poland to lead the provincial orchestra. He also tries to revive old love affair using the violinist as a surrogate of her mother. Her husband is resentful of the conductor for both personal and professional reasons. 教授文知乎"叮咚,叮咚,连绵不绝的驼铃声由远及近,先前都还在看不见的位置,下一刻就已经出现在了距离三人不足百米的地方,而三人对此却是视若无睹,自顾自地在那儿收拾赤火蝎的尸体,叮咚声再响时,一支庞大的商队已经出现在了三人背后的不远处。