最初我就在?为什么别人都能够有参与社会实践的渠道,而自己就这么的孤陋寡闻完全不知道大学生联盟的存在?这也使我开始反思自己的人际关系的问题或者是在同学圈里的交流问题等等姑获鸟觉醒10Helen West is a crown prosecutor who cares about people in the criminal justice system and seeks to ensure that justice is done. She has a particular interest in women's issues and has to put up with her somewhat odd superior and his cleanliness phobia. She recognizes that it's the role of the police to find the evidence but also feels it warranted to occasionally investigate matters herself. Unmarried, she is also in a relationship with Chief Supt. Bailey, though neither seem to be able to make up their minds about their futures or what they want to get out of life.