One of the five sci-fi's I remember every single detail of from my earliest days as a fan. For the genre, I think it's considerably above average. The moor is nicely atmospheric. There's one of every character in the book: the good guy, the bad guy, the local sheriff, the lovely damsel, her father the old professor, etc. The scene where we're looking for the first time through the window of the ship and the visitor peeks out from the other side is easily as good as the three-fingered-hand-on-the-shoulder in War of the Worlds. Nice "character" to the visitor, for whom, like Karloff's Frankenstein, we end up feeling some empathy .
家住美国德州的罗兰·夏普(汤米·里·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones 饰)是一名为人古板、对工作及其专注负责的警察。他由于太过投入,结果导致老婆带着孩子离家出走。这一日,罗兰正在寻找的一名关键证人遇害身亡,而德州大学的无名拉拉队女孩则宣称亲眼目睹了凶案发生的全过程。为了保护女孩们的安全,警署不仅要求罗兰24小时跟在她们身边,还要求他以拉拉队教练的身份带着女孩们住在自己家中。这群正处在青春期的快乐女孩突然失去自由,她们又怎能忍受无休无止的禁足生活?为此,女孩们和罗兰之间发生不少的矛盾。 另一方面,杀害证人的凶手暗中观察,时刻寻找下手的良机。罗兰和女孩们该如何面对这个潜在的危险?