在小镇上,一个年轻人游手好闲无所事事,于是他决定去纽约碰碰运气。影片讲述了1925年发生在美国西部牛仔的故事,风格搞笑幽默。 A young man who doesn't find a job in his small hometown, tries his luck in New York, but is overwelmed by the life of the city, so decides to try his luck somewhere else after a only a few minutes in New York. He falls off a train near a ranch, where he tries his luck as a cowbowy, being in his own way very sucessful. But he shows what he can do when the farm has to bring a 100 head of cattle to the slaughterhouses of Los Angeles to avoid going bankrupt, against the will of his neighbour who wants a better price. After a shoot-out with the neighbour's men he's the only person on a Los Angeles bound train with 1000 cows....
被丈夫绝情抛弃后,蕾莉(詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特 Jennifer Love Hewitt 饰)必须独自抚养年龄尚小的孩子,生活水平因此一落千丈,为了能够维持家庭的日常开销,蕾莉来到了一家水疗养生中心应聘按摩师的职位。随着时间的推移,蕾莉发现表面上守法经营的水疗馆背地里其实是一家为高端人士提供色情服务的妓院,迫于生活的压力,蕾莉成为了其中的一员。 蕾莉和孩子所生活的小镇民风淳朴而保守,如何守住自己“肮脏”的秘密成为了蕾莉的首要大事,再加上名叫泰勒(伊丽莎白·罗姆 Elisabeth Rohm 饰)的死对头的不断骚扰,蕾莉每日的生活都如同坐上了过山车一般的充满了惊险与刺激。