喜儿因为他的丈夫阿圣患病被切开喉管,只能依靠呼吸机延续生命,住院医治半年多时间,花光了家里的所有积蓄,为借钱继续救治阿圣,喜儿走投无路,想出谁能借钱就把自己改嫁给谁的办法,向光棍村友柱子借了2万元钱,又和老村长商议用同样的办法找失去妻子的村友王富贵借了2万元钱,但这钱只够缴清欠医院的住院费和医药费,无奈之下,喜痛苦的决定放弃了阿圣的治疗。医院拔掉了呼吸机管子,换上必须手动24小时按压的简易呼吸器来维持阿圣的呼吸,医生告诉喜儿要有心理准备,阿圣随时可能出现病并发症,导致生命终结,绝望的喜只好将阿圣带回家……村友王富贵提出研制“自行车版的山寨呼吸机”,来替代村友轮流为阿圣按压呼吸球的想法遭到了柱子的极力反对以及其他村友们的嘲笑。阿圣父亲过江时意外死亡在钢索上,让王富贵、柱子、老村长、阿圣的妈妈和村友们在死神降临阿圣之前,每个人的内心深处都有了自己清晰的界限……大s演过的这部昔日的CBS旗舰剧集已经失去了一个好汉(Charlie Sheen被开除,Charlie Harper也随之死亡),现在又将失去半个好汉——因为种种原因(如果你相信CBS官方所说的「他要读大学」那你就太天真了),Angus T. Jones不再是该剧的常规演员,他的名字也将从片头字幕中彻底抹除。
Carl Kolchak is a newspaper reporter with an abrasive personality that has gotten him fired ten times from various big-city papers. Now he's reduced to reporting for a relatively small-time paper in Las Vegas. It's here he gets the story of his life. But will the local sheriff, or the D.A., or even his own boss, let him print it? He has an ally in the FBI agent brought in to investigate this strange case. It seems someone is biting the necks of young girls and draining their blood. Can this killer with supernormal powers really be a 70-year-old Rumanian millionaire? Can he really be a vampire? And can an aging reporter do anything to stop him?